
Durga Puja @2013- The Homecoming

Time and tide waits for none- a renowned phrase that my parents used to tell me when I was younger, which I now understand too well. The whole point of starting the post with this idiom is to emphasize upon the fact that its been months (5 months and 5 days to be exact!) since my last post and that in these few months, too many things have happened. To me, it seemed as if time passed like a lightning bolt!! Well, if I go on to update about what all things happened, it'll be way too long a post which is sort of unwanted over here considering I have too little time in hand. So, to tell in brief, I am living in Bhubaneshwar, the capital of Orissa, for the last two and a half months, after spending about 5 months in Mysore, the second largest city in Karnataka. Well, presently, I'm at home (Kolkata) for Durga Puja celebrations.

I noticed something different about the Pujas this time.To me, Durga Puja was THE most awaited event in the year (apart from my birthday of course!). But this year, something changed. Earlier, Durga Puja meant meeting up with friends, 5 days of  ultimate masti, khana-peena, pandal-hopping and a lot more. But now, it meant coming home, spending time with my family. This maybe because I have been living away from home for almost 8 months now. Every year, I used to make pandal-hopping plans way before with my friends, but this time I wanted to stay in home, eat home-made food(though that happened less!), chat with my parents and grandparents, catch up with my bro etc. Well, that doesn't mean I didn't go out. I did catch up with my old friends from school and college, friends who've shifted out of the city, and chatted for hours. This was a significant change from previous years. The whole essence and spirit of Durga Puja has changed in my viewpoint.

They say, change is a nature of life, but I don't know if this change is good or bad. All I know is, I dont regret this change. Today at night, I'm leaving the City of Joy, but I'll be back soon. So guys, enjoy the festive season and take care. Suvo Bijoya and Happy Dussehra to all...  :-)

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