
Life @ BBSR

I know its been a very long time since my last post, but I couldn't help it, reasons being lack of time and technology. Let me elaborate. For the past three months I had been super-duper busy with my work that I barely had time to have a good 7 hour sleep each night!! Also, I did not have the means to access my blog. Well, thanks to Microsoft and Nokia, this is now possible. I'm happy :D!!

Taking a cue from my last post, I'm living in Bhubaneshwar for the past 6 months and this life is oh-so-very-different from the one I had in Mysore. Both have its fair share of pros and cons.
Living in Mysore was like living a dream. Its one of those once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that you get that comes with no headaches or worries about the place you will be staying or the food you will be having. There were strict rules to adhere to though which was necessary given the place I was staying was one of the world's best corporate training centre.

On the contrary, by living in Bhubaneshwar, I have entered that phrase of my life where my decisions are mine only. It's the zone where you have to fend for yourself. The fight for survival was also present in Mysore but it was focused on surviving within the work environment. Here it is that plus the fight for life ahead. Well, one good thing that comes out of this is that you get conditioned to surface through tough times. From the search for a roof to sleep under to actually spending 6 months sleeping peacefully under a roof, I'd say Bhubaneshwar taught me the basics of survival.

Okay so that's all on the serious side of the life in Bhubaneshwar. On a funny note, I'd like to share something I noticed while taking a walk sometime ago in this city. I observed an alarming population of street oxen here. On every turn of roads you will notice a herd. Even the pavements on road made for pedestrians to walk on are occupied by them and so people walk on road!! :D

Well I'm in the process of exploring the city. So more insights on the city are about to follow soon. Until then, stay tuned and take care... :)

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