
A Month in Mysore...

I know its been a long time since my last post but to speak the truth, my life has been a whole lot busier for the past month. Yes, its been a month I'm staying at Mysore for work- my first job. Exactly a month ago I joined the company. Since that day, my life has been totally different in every respect. I'd say staying away from home and family and loved ones has its pros and cons though I'm still deciding which is more! For me the whole thing has been a learning process. I learnt taking responsibility of myself, time management and many other things that I never imagined I'd do. Most of all, I realized the importance of family and the love they have for me and I really miss them here,specially "ma ke hath ka khana"! I've learnt the importance of all those persons whom I've taken for granted all these years. I want to let all of them know that they all hold a special place in my heart and I miss them all. Ok, enough with the emotional part, let me come to the interesting part- the city Mysore.

Mysore is the second largest city of Karnataka after Bangalore. As far as the parts of the city I've seen I found it very planned and well-maintained.The main attraction here to visit is the Mysore Palace. Its situated at the heart of the city. It has been converted to a museum and its a place worth visiting. Though I've not been around Mysore much,I'd like to mention about the market here. It is spread over a big area and its very lively. Another thing I must mention is the sweet the city lends its name to -Mysore Pak. It tastes awesome,infact I'd recommend each and every person coming to Mysore to have a bite of this delicious sweet. Its worth a bite!! Well, there are also other  places to visit here like Chamundeshwari Temple, Vrindaban Gardens etc. and I hope to provide the details in my blog soon. So till then, take care all... :-)

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