
Getting Started...

Today’s 21st December 2012 which, according to the Mayan prediction, is the day the world’s coming to an end. I’d say this is an intriguing future forecast as for the past week, newspapers are flooded with celebrities talking about how they will spend their last day on earth. As for me, until now, nothing extraordinary happened. It was a regular day. Normal and Boring. So I thought, why not make something special out of this not-so-special day!!! And while scouting for ideas to do so, suddenly much like the menthos tagline  dimaag ki batti jalao”, it occurred to me, why not start a blog!!! So here I’m writing through my first post. Also, the reason for starting a blog don’t just end here. In two months, I’m leaving my hometown for an unknown city- a place I’ve never been before where I’ve to survive all by myself without my loving family and friends to back me up. So I thought if I shared my experience with others, it’ll ease my pain of separation from loved ones. Thus, this is the beginning of a new journey. And now, I can proudly say that the day the world was coming to an end, I started a new chapter of my life… :D