
The Potion called Love

When I close my eyes and think about my grandparents, I can visualize a plethora of memories I have of them. To me, the word ‘grandparents’ is synonymous to ‘Love’ – the very word triggers the emotion for as long as I remember they have been showering me with the same. I consider myself lucky to get the love of my two sets of grandparents. My maternal grandparents were aged compared to my paternal folks. I visited them twice or maybe thrice a year. On the other hand, my paternal grandparents lived with us. They have been a part of my growing up and so their memories are vividly etched in my mind.

I have always been my grandfather’s dearest. He would pamper me a lot and obviously I loved all of it. I remember an incident from my childhood where I had accidentally broken an expensive china dish while playing with it despite repeated warnings from my parents. My parents rushed to the room hearing the sound of the dish breaking, ready to scold me right away. With them came my grandfather- ‘Dadu’ as I lovingly called him. I was scared as I knew I was in trouble. To my surprise, Dadu asked my parents to refrain from punishing me and took me to another room. He gave me another toy to play with and shortly I was immersed in my own world of playful imagination. After some time he called me to sit beside him and explained to me the gravity of the matter. I promised never to play with china again. Now when I think of the incident, I realize that it was the first lesson to accept the worst in life and move ahead on a better path.

‘Mummum'- my grandmother was my buddy. She was my dance partner, games partner, my favourite story-teller and my teacher. She used to teach me songs and poems. She had an amazing memory back then. She could recall the poems she learnt as a child and passed them on to me. She would tell me stories of Ramayana, Mahabharata and other stories. I would literally absorb them. By the time I was 3, I could narrate the entire Ramayana and Mahabharata by heart. She would sing me to sleep every night and I remember her humming as the very last thing before I drifted off to dreamland.

As days passed by, Dadu and Mummum grew older and older. They were struck by the inevitable – old age. As I grew up, I became engrossed it other activities- school, extracurricular activities, watching tv. I got another playmate in the form of my little brother. My interaction with my grandparents reduced eventually. I felt that now they are in their own old world reminiscing about their youth, their life before they grew old but they were not detached from the present. I remember the happiness in their eyes in form of tears around the corners when I touched their feet before heading out for my first class X board exam. I knew it was their way of letting me know that they are proud of me.

My grandfather passed away last year and my grandmother 3 weeks ago. I feel a void right at the middle of my heart. My two most loved people left me in a span of a year. Though I accept their passing away as the ultimate destination of life, I am unable to fill up that hole yet. Whenever I go to their room now, all I can see their empty chairs. I miss their presence immensely. I like to think that spending 25 years with grandparents is the result of a good karma, for their mere touch is the unadulterated potion of pure love.


25 years on Earth

A warm and hearty “Hello” to all my lovely friends out there. Well, I am back to blogging after a long hiatus. Its feels good to put down your thoughts in writing and share with the world but I just don’t get enough time to write or maybe I am so lazy that that I cannot make time to write!! :P Jokes apart, for some days now, a thought has been lingering in my mind and the more I think of it, the more I realize certain facts about life that I wanted to share with you all.

Few days back it was my birthday. Since childhood, birthdays have always been special to me. The reason being it is the day when you are showered with attention from everyone. The only day when everybody calls you up just to talk to you, even those who haven’t talked to you for a whole year! Mom makes all of your favourite dishes for lunch, Dad brings your birthday cake in your favourite flavour (chocolate is my favourite of course!), your sibling makes you handmade birthday cards (for me it was less fighting with my brother though), your friends make you feel special (friends who are out of touch calls you up when you least expected them to) and so on. It’s your day! Nobody can take that away from you. All these years it’s been a magical day to me and I felt like this fairy tale princess (believer in both!). Then, what changed this year? Well, this year was a birthday away from home, immersed in work, just another Monday. Somehow, this year did not felt special though it had every reason to be for its not every year that a girl turns 25! And as the day ended, I realized quite a few things about my life that I haven’t thought about earlier.

As I completed 25 years of existence on earth, I realized that I just passed one third of my lifetime. I look back to the milestone events in these 25 years. I found nothing significant. Now, obviously there were events like passing out from school, getting into college, the first job but these are all just events, they are nothing special, not milestones. And I begin to ponder on what I have done for myself all these years. Well, I am not bragging but I have been an obedient kid. I have got on the path my parents guided me to. Parents, they always know what’s best for you because they’ve treaded the path before. As kids and adolescents, we fail to realize that and think that they are just putting it on us but now I am matured enough to know that’s not true. And for all these reasons, I am forever indebted to them. So coming back to where I was, the thing is, I followed the tried and tested way of life i.e. school to college to job. In the process, I neglected me and got entangled in the web of life. Now I am so immersed in work that I do not have time to pursue my interests and hobbies. Happiness is secondary to existing. This realization struck me like lightning.

We have one life and a third of it is gone just by existing and not living! There was my birthday resolution staring right at me.  Well, resolutions are meant to be broken but I would really like to try very hard not to break this one. So folks out there, if you feel that this is your story as well, go ahead and do all those things that make you happy. I just did by writing this post as this is what that makes me happy. Remember that the key to happiness is balance. I am trying to find mine and I am hoping when I succeed, the world will be a better place to live. Happy Living! :)